Days of Our Lives as Games Translators

Within the translation community, there already exists a plethora of articles about game and app localization—best practices, how to break into the business, pricing, pitfalls—you name it. So, when the DVÜD approached me to contribute an article to their series accompanying GamesCom, I decided to take a slightly different route: while we talk, read, and write about the grand scheme of things within both the games and the translation industry, most developers and aspiring games translators don’t actually realize what the day-to-day work really entails. So, allow me to invite you into my office to look over my shoulder for a week.

#DVUDvorOrt: Köln

Am 05. März um 19:00 Uhr hast du Gelegenheit, in Köln mit anderen Übersetzer*innen und Dolmetscher*innen ins Gespräch zu kommen. Wir treffen uns ab 19:00 Uhr im Ginti (Händelstraße 33, 50674 Köln). Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln kommt ihr am besten dort hin,...

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