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Winter Translation Forum (BP conf)

7. Dezember 20229. Dezember 2022

€23 – €490

Winter Translation Forum is coming!

Our new multilingual online event, Winter Translation Forum is now only a month away.  Short talks in several languages, spread over 3 days, with plenty of time for networking.
Grab your free* ticket now until Wednesday
night (9 November).

Multilingual event

We already have about 50 sessions, with more to come within a week. In addition to English, we’ll have several sessions in German and Spanish, with additional talks in French, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, and Greek.   Many talks fall in the traditional ‘BP’ scope of business and practice, but WTF welcomes other translation-related subjects as well.

*Free tickets

Yes, free. Well, free if you’ll also attend BP23 Translation Conference next year, and if you register for WTF22 now, until Wednesday night.  You pay 23€ now, and this amount will count towards your BP23 ticket.   Prices will be higher from Thursday, but you’ll still get a 23€ off your BP23 ticket from January.

If you registered already

You’ll receive a invitation to join the event later this week.  After this, you’ll be able to set up your profile and start browsing the attendee list. The final schedule of the event will be available about two weeks from now.
We’ve had some issues with WooCommerce, so some of the invoices have been issued incorrectly, especially if you’re from outside the EU. These will be corrected in the coming days.

If you register now

We’re experiencing some issues with our web store and mailing system integration, which means many people are forced to ‘unsubscribed’ status right after making a purchase, which means we can’t send any email to them.  While we’re working on fixing this issue, currently the only workaround solution is that you sign up again to our mailing list with the same email address that you used for making the purchase. Please sign up anywhere on the website (popup, footer, or inside the page).
Also, if you’re from outside the EU and you purchase as a company, the automated invoicing process may not calculate VAT correctly.  As a workaround solution, you can request manual invoicing.  For this, please open ‘Issues / Manual invoicing’ on the Cart page during the shopping process.  You can select payment by card or bank transfer.  Apologies for the inconvenience.



7. Dezember 2022
9. Dezember 2022
€23 – €490
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BP Conference (Csaba Bán)

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