Natürlich beschäftigt gerade alle nur ein Thema: der Krieg in der Ukraine. Der DVÜD ist Mitglied des Dachverbands FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs/International Federation of Translators) und kann daher Informationen über Aktionen anderer FIT-Verbände verbreiten, die den Geflüchteten Unterstützung anbieten. Als Übersetzerverband denkt man vor allem ans Dolmetschen und Übersetzen. Hier haben wir einige Angebote von FIT-Mitgliedorganisationen gesammelt, die ihr auch verbreiten könnt.

Poland: For Polish volunteer translators & interpreters supporting refugees from #Ukraine go to:

Poland: The Polish Society of Sworn and Specialized Translators (TEPIS):

The Board and Branches of The Polish Society of Sworn and Specialized Translators TEPIS  have already taken some actions and, among other things, complied a list of volunteer translators and interpreters who are ready to provide language assistance to refugees from Ukraine. As of today the list comprises 187 translators and interpreters and I believe it will be growing. It is published on the TEPIS website
In gesture of solidarity with the people of Ukraine in the wake of the warfare, THE POLISH SOCIETY OF SWORN AND SPECIALIZED TRANSLATORS – PT TEPIS drafted a list of volunteer translators and interpreters who want and who can provide language assistance. Feel free to join the list by filling up the spreadsheet available at the following link: List of Volunteer Translators and Intepreters (Name and surname – Language(s) – Sworn Translations/Certified Translations (YES/NO) – Telephone Number – Email address – Voivodship/Region – City/Town/Area).
Although the request is primarily directed to the translators and interpreters of Ukrainian and Russian, all languages are welcome and all translators’ and interpreters’ assistance is highly appreciated.
The list will be made available to the aid organisations, help points and authorities/offices in Poland

Polish Association of Sworn and Specialised Translators TEPIS drafted a list of international volunteer translators and interpreters who want and who can provide language assistance. Anyone can join here:

Finland:  LSP Delingua is taking part in a language support project. They will pay for interpreters, but offer this interpreting service for free for refugees in need in the Finnish Capital (Helsinki) area. Contact:, tel. +358 44 285 5677 (

France: Through the SFT, we have become aware of the following resources in France:

It is possible to volunteer your services as a translator and/or an interpreter through the website set up by the French government ( On the homepage, clicking on “Je veux m’engager en tant que bénévole/Je découvre les actions” will put you in touch with the collaborative platform

Via la SFT, informations sur les ressources en France :

Il est possible de proposer ses services bénévoles de traduction et/ou d’interprétation via le site internet créé par le gouvernement français ( Sur la page d’accueil, cliquer sur « Je veux m’engager en tant que bénévole/Je découvre les actions » vous mettra en relation avec la plateforme collaborative

United Kingdom: The ITI has collated information about resources in the United Kingdom and beyond:

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